Note: no all of history's most important
scientists were college graduates when they began their works. In actual fact,
history is full of scientists who have changed the world due to their work as
teenagers. If they were disregarded because of their age, many things we take
for granted today may not exist. These teenagers impacted the world far greater
than they would realize long after their deaths.
1. Blaise Pascal - Did you know
that your Windows-based computer system has a tool installed which was invented
350 years ago by Blaise Pascal? In 1642, while still a teenager, he started
some pioneering work on calculating machines. After three years of effort and
50 prototypes, he built 20 finished machines (called Pascal's
calculators and later Pascalines) Although the centuries have developed
calculators that are solar powered, digital, software-based and scientific, Pascal
became very serious with his research on the development of earlier versions of
our calculating devices. No smartphone or computer would be complete without a
calculator of some kind?
The argument can be made that if one
person hadn't invented a particular theory or device, someone else would have. However,
could we believe that it would be the same product if it came from a completely
different perspective of a different inventor?
2. Isaac Newton - Throughout
Newton's formative years, it was so common for him to develop various devices
while attending school. His devotion to studies and high marks in school were
impressive to many. Although his mother attempted to make him a farmer by
removing young Isaac from school, after which his uncle and the school master advised
his mother to allow him return to school so as to finish his education. Isaac
Newton attended Cambridge University after upon school in 1661. He established
a variety of scientific methods and discoveries as well as those in optics and
3. Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein
In his younger years, had always shown a great interest in mathematics and
science. He attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic examinations in Zurich.
Although he scores below standard in many of the required subjects but his
mathematics and physics skills were exceptionally high. Albert Einstein also attended
Aargau Cantonal School in Aarau which is in Switzerland where he graduated with
passing grades in some subjects and receiving the highest grade scale possible
in mathematics and physics. His theories have laid the ground work for many
scientists of today and is most notable for the Theory of Relativity.
4. Galileo Galilei - At the age of
17, he was at the University of Pisa studying for a medical degree, Galileo
Galilei became engrossed to know how movements of air currents could cause a
chandelier to sway in a rhythmic pattern. Setting up a set of differentiating
pendulums, Galileo discovered that irrespective of the size difference the
pendulums kept time with each other. Galileo changed his degree from medical
sciences to mathematics after attending a lecture on geometry. At the age of
22, Galileo published a book on the design of a hydrostatic balance he had
5. Aristotle - In the 3rd Century
BCE, at the age of 18, he attended Plato's Academy where he nearly studied every
subject offered at the time, For the 20 years he remained at the Academy until
he finally left.
Aristotle, with his massive knowledge
of subject material had made great contributions to nearly every subject of
study. Aristotle had completed encyclopedias of information thereby opening doors
for many.
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